During the last few days I've been working on another crocheted drawstring bag - this one in lavender, for Mia. I've still got to make the flower to go on it, and then I'll post a picture.
Here's a different coaster, made from a free pattern from Red Heart. I found a Youtube tutorial for it, although it was pretty easy. I may make some of these at Christmas time in green, white and red.
I had to stop myself from running out to Michael's on my lunch hour today and getting more Sugar 'n Cream yarn. I've got quite a lot, but it comes in so many colors, and there are so many combinations I want to try.
Here's a different coaster, made from a free pattern from Red Heart. I found a Youtube tutorial for it, although it was pretty easy. I may make some of these at Christmas time in green, white and red.
I had to stop myself from running out to Michael's on my lunch hour today and getting more Sugar 'n Cream yarn. I've got quite a lot, but it comes in so many colors, and there are so many combinations I want to try.
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